Squad Sparta Nijkerk (Netherlands)

Want to know who plays in Sparta Nijkerk? All squad of players on football website ALL.SOCCER. Live and fresh information, available free for you. List of players Sparta Nijkerk 2023/24, Netherlands.

Sparta Nijkerk
Sparta Nijkerk

List of players

# Name Age
- Christos Ibrahim - 2 2 0 0
- Deveron Fonville - 1 1 0 0
- Kiyjano Hugo - 1 1 0 1
- Mark van der Weijden - 11 18 0 0
- Omar El Ghazouani - 4 4 0 0
- Thomas van Dijk - 2 1 0 0


- Soccer NetherlandsJ. Makizodila 30 1 1 0 0


- Soccer NetherlandsJ. Buitenhuis 27 7 7 0 0
10 Soccer NetherlandsM. Ahrens 31 7 7 0 0
- Soccer NetherlandsR. Bakkenes 33 3 3 0 0
6 Soccer NetherlandsRaymond Huizing 22 1 1 0 0


17 Soccer NetherlandsK. Sterling 32 3 3 0 0