Squad Dep. Cali (Colombia)

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Dep. Cali
Dep. Cali
Soccer ColombiaCali, Colombia

List of players

# Name Age
34 Adrian Palacios - 7 0 0 0
38 Alejandro Rodríguez - 14 0 1 0
36 Alejandro Villareal - 1 0 0 0
24 Brayan Montaño - 12 0 0 0
25 Freilin Moreno - 5 0 0 0
14 Isaac Camargo - 7 1 0 0
31 Jaider Moreno - 15 1 3 0
32 John Azcarate - 3 0 0 0
5 Juan Castilla - 5 0 0 0
17 Juan Córdoba - 16 5 0 0
20 Onel Acosta - 6 0 2 0


1 Soccer ArgentinaJ. Papaleo 30 17 0 0 0


21 Soccer ColombiaF. Meza 32 16 0 6 0
4 Soccer ColombiaJ. Marulanda 28 16 0 5 0
15 Soccer ColombiaJuan Franco 22 1 0 0 0
3 Soccer ColombiaKevin Moreno 23 1 1 0 0


70 Soccer ColombiaA. Andrade 35 9 0 0 0
27 Soccer ColombiaA. Estupiñán 29 5 1 1 0
13 Soccer ColombiaA. Mejía 35 16 0 6 0
6 Soccer ColombiaF. Angel 23 14 0 3 0
28 Soccer ColombiaGian Cabezas 21 12 0 2 1
7 Soccer ColombiaJ. Barrera 28 14 0 1 0
10 Soccer ColombiaJ. Reina 35 16 1 1 1
75 Soccer ColombiaJ. Valencia 25 11 0 2 0
33 Soccer ColombiaK. Osorio 30 13 0 1 0


11 Soccer ColombiaF. Castillo 31 10 1 0 1
17 Soccer ColombiaF. Montero 36 4 3 0 0
35 Soccer ColombiaJ. Díaz 23 13 2 2 0
12 Soccer ColombiaJosé Caldera 22 4 1 1 0
19 Soccer ColombiaL. Sandoval 24 5 3 0 0
9 Soccer ArgentinaL. Villegas 27 7 0 1 0
26 Soccer ColombiaY. Gómez 26 11 0 1 0