Squad Once Caldas (Colombia)

Want to know who plays in Once Caldas? All squad of players on football website ALL.SOCCER. Live and fresh information, available free for you. List of players Once Caldas, Colombia.

Once Caldas
Once Caldas

List of players

# Name Age
6 Alvaro Montano - 14 0 0 0
27 Felipe Cifuentes - 3 0 0 0
21 Jhon Araujo - 8 0 0 0
9 Johar Mejía - 6 0 0 0
22 Juan David Cuesta - 16 0 1 0
25 Juan Gallego - 3 0 0 0
33 Juan Patiño - 11 0 0 0
15 Kevin Villada - 2 0 0 1
4 Leyder Moran - 1 0 0 0
31 Santiago Mera - 9 0 0 0
23 Sergio Palacios - 13 0 0 0
3 Stalin Valencia - 5 0 0 0


1 Soccer ArgentinaE. Mastrolía 33 16 0 1 0
12 Soccer ColombiaJ. Aguirre 31 14 0 3 0


20 Soccer ColombiaA. García 23 12 0 2 0
18 Soccer ColombiaJ. Riquett 33 14 0 0 1
34 Soccer ColombiaJorge Cardona 25 12 0 0 0
29 Soccer ColombiaY. Murillo 31 16 0 4 0


11 Soccer EcuadorB. Arce 25 15 4 5 0
17 Soccer ColombiaD. Moreno 38 17 8 0 0
13 Soccer ColombiaDaniel Quiñones 25 6 0 0 0
7 Soccer ColombiaG. Torres 27 16 1 5 0
5 Soccer ColombiaI. Rojas 26 14 0 3 1
8 Soccer ColombiaJohan Esteban Beltran Montaño 24 15 1 3 0
2 Soccer ColombiaJuan García 27 3 0 0 0
16 Soccer ColombiaM. Castaño 31 7 0 3 0
19 Soccer ColombiaMateo García 25 14 0 7 0
30 Soccer ColombiaR. Torres 32 7 0 0 1


28 Soccer ColombiaD. Lemos 28 6 0 0 0
14 Soccer ColombiaLuis Palacios - 9 0 0 0
24 Soccer ColombiaSantiago Cubides 23 4 0 0 0