Squad Polonia Bytom (Poland)

Want to know who plays in Polonia Bytom? All squad of players on football website ALL.SOCCER. Live and fresh information, available free for you. List of players Polonia Bytom 2023/24, Poland.

Polonia Bytom
Polonia Bytom

List of players

# Name Age
- Kacper Lepczynski - 1 0 0 0
- M. Cichocki - 2 0 2 0


39 Soccer PolandEryk Mirus 20 1 0 1 0


- Soccer PolandA. Piekarski 25 6 3 3 0


6 Soccer PolandD. Budzik 27 3 1 2 0
- Soccer PolandD. Wolny 29 11 8 4 1
23 Soccer PolandDaniel Ściślak 24 7 2 6 0
- Soccer PolandF. Zagiel 25 3 0 3 0
23 Soccer PolandL. Zejdler 32 1 0 1 0
19 Soccer PolandP. Stefański 34 7 1 7 0
- Soccer PolandS. Jopek 25 4 0 4 0
17 Soccer PolandS. Steblecki 32 2 0 2 0


- Soccer PolandK. Andrzejczak 27 5 2 4 0
- Soccer PolandK. Ropski 27 4 2 2 0
- Soccer PolandZielinski 26 8 5 3 0