Squad Cerro Largo (Uruguay)

Want to know who plays in Cerro Largo? All squad of players on football website ALL.SOCCER. Live and fresh information, available free for you. List of players Cerro Largo, Uruguay.

Cerro Largo
Cerro Largo

List of players

# Name Age
5 Alan Di Pippa - 6 0 0 0
17 Alan Garcia - 8 0 0 0
16 Alfonso De Lucca - 1 0 0 0
23 E. Castillo - 9 0 3 0
6 Ezequiel Olivera - 1 0 0 0
24 Gino Santilli - 7 0 0 0
20 Jairo Coronel - 9 0 3 0
28 Luciano Cosentino - 8 1 0 0
27 Matias Mir - 3 0 0 0
26 N. Cabral - 8 0 0 0
29 Santiago Rollano - 2 0 0 0


1 Soccer UruguayRodrigo Formento 24 8 0 1 0


4 Soccer UruguayBrian Ferrares 24 6 0 4 0
14 Soccer UruguayL. Correa 27 8 1 3 0
19 Soccer UruguayM. Brasil 24 9 2 3 0
13 Soccer UruguayNahuel Furtado 26 8 0 4 0
8 Soccer UruguayR. Albin 26 8 0 0 0


30 Soccer UruguayB. Acosta 26 7 0 0 0
18 Soccer ParaguayG. Fatecha 26 7 0 0 0
21 Soccer UruguayH. Pereira 36 8 0 0 0
7 Soccer UruguayM. Estol 29 5 0 1 0
15 Soccer UruguayS. Assis 31 7 0 2 0


9 Soccer UruguayH. Silveira 30 9 2 1 0
10 Soccer UruguayS. Sosa 30 7 0 1 0
11 Soccer UruguaySergio Nunez 23 8 0 0 0