Squad FC Porto B

About the page «FC Porto B» live scores in section «Soccer Portugal»: here you can find livescore, fixtures, standings, macthes and results for FC Porto B football team and also stats about goal scorers, yellow and red cards and odds comparisons. Besides FC Porto B on all.soccer you can follow others soccer teams in section «Soccer Portugal» - just select the team you like.

FC Porto B results and livescore are updated in real-time - live.

Upcoming matches: 27.07.2024 UD Oliveirense - FC Porto B, 11.08.2024 FC Porto B - FC Alverca, 18.08.2024 Tondela - FC Porto B

FC Porto B
FC Porto B

List of players

# Name Age
98 Abraham Marcus - 30 7 3 0
66 Adramane Cassama - 17 0 0 0
68 Andre Oliveira - 12 0 0 0
95 Anha Cande - 25 0 0 0
54 António Ribeiro - 15 0 0 0
46 Braima - 30 0 4 0
76 Dinis Rodrigues - 10 0 0 0
51 Diogo Fernandes - 21 0 0 0
53 Eric Pimentel - 13 0 0 0
73 Gabriel Brás - 26 0 0 0
90 Gil Martins - 1 0 0 0
91 Gonçalo Ribeiro - 17 0 1 0
49 Goncalo Santos Sousa - 22 0 0 0
92 Joao Teixeira - 6 0 0 0
78 Jorge Meireles - 21 2 3 0
56 Kennyd - 8 1 2 0
64 Luís Gomes - 1 0 0 0
52 Martim Fernandes - 24 1 4 0
62 Rodrigo Fernandes - 30 0 6 0
86 Rodrigo Mora - 30 4 3 0
77 Rui Monteiro - 20 0 0 0
59 Tiago Andrade - 2 0 0 0
74 U. Djalo - 10 0 1 0
95 Umaro Candé - 1 0 0 0


71 Soccer PortugalFrancisco Meixedo 23 22 0 2 0


4 Soccer PortugalDavid Carmo 25 3 0 1 0
55 Soccer PortugalJoao Mendes 24 13 1 4 0
85 Soccer PortugalNilton 23 15 0 1 0
44 Soccer PortugalR. Correia 24 31 2 5 0
72 Soccer PortugalRodrigo Pinheiro 21 29 2 3 0
97 Soccer PortugalZé Pedro 27 12 1 4 1


87 Soccer PortugalBernardo Folha 22 21 1 6 0
96 Soccer PortugalGuilherme Borges Guedes 22 26 1 4 0
72 Soccer PortugalRodrigo Ferreira 22 1 0 0 0
67 Soccer PortugalVasco Sousa - 28 3 5 0


7 Soccer BrazilGabriel Veron 21 1 0 0 0
89 Soccer PortugalLuís Mota 20 3 0 0 0
50 Soccer BrazilWendel 23 30 18 5 0