Squad Sigma Olomouc B

About the page «Sigma Olomouc B» live scores in section «Soccer Czech Republic»: here you can find livescore, fixtures, standings, macthes and results for Sigma Olomouc B football team and also stats about goal scorers, yellow and red cards and odds comparisons. Besides Sigma Olomouc B on all.soccer you can follow others soccer teams in section «Soccer Czech Republic» - just select the team you like.

Sigma Olomouc B results and livescore are updated in real-time - live.

Upcoming matches: 05.05.2024 Sigma Olomouc B - Mas Taborsko, 08.05.2024 Vlasim - Sigma Olomouc B, 12.05.2024 Sigma Olomouc B - Sparta Praha II

Sigma Olomouc B
Sigma Olomouc B

List of players

# Name Age
- Adam Bednár - 1 0 1 0
- Dele Israel - 7 2 4 0
- Ebrima Singhateh - 2 2 0 0
- Filip Slavicek - 3 0 3 0
- Jakub Elbel - 2 0 2 0
- Moses Emmanuel - 3 1 2 0
- Štěpán Langer - 9 5 4 0


- Soccer Czech RepublicJakub Trefil 23 1 0 1 0


21 Soccer Czech RepublicM. Vepřek 38 2 0 1 0
37 Soccer Czech RepublicVaclav Mika 23 1 0 0 0


- Soccer Czech RepublicJ. Fortelny 25 2 2 0 0


- Soccer Czech RepublicMatej Hadas 20 2 1 1 0
- Soccer Czech RepublicP. Zifcak 25 1 1 0 0
21 Soccer NigeriaYunusa Owolabi Muritala 24 4 3 2 0